Ben Williams: Michael, can you share with us what inspired you to support the Green Schools Alliance (GSA)?

Michael Shvartsman: My passion for sustainability and education led me to the Green Schools Alliance. I believe that by empowering students and educators to prioritize environmental responsibility, we can create lasting positive changes. The GSA’s approach to integrating sustainability into education aligns perfectly with my vision of a greener future.

Ben Williams: How do you see the role of the Green Schools Alliance in promoting sustainability?

Michael Shvartsman: The GSA plays a significant role by providing resources, support, and a platform for schools to collaborate on sustainability initiatives. They help schools reduce their environmental footprint, foster student leadership, and integrate sustainability into the curriculum. This holistic approach ensures that environmental awareness and action become ingrained in the school culture.

Ben Williams: Can you elaborate on the impact of your contributions to the GSA?

Michael Shvartsman: My contributions have helped the GSA expand their reach and enhance their programs. For instance, they can now offer more workshops, develop new curriculum resources, and support additional student-led projects. These efforts have led to tangible improvements in sustainability practices at participating schools, such as reduced waste and energy conservation.

Ben Williams: What message do you hope to convey through your support of the Green Schools Alliance?

Michael Shvartsman: I want to emphasize the importance of collective action and education in addressing environmental challenges. By supporting the GSA, I hope to inspire others to invest in similar initiatives and recognize the power of education in shaping a sustainable future. It’s about creating a ripple effect where one school’s success can inspire many others.

Ben Williams: What advice would you give to schools and educators looking to implement sustainability programs?

Michael Shvartsman: Start by integrating small, manageable projects that engage students and the community. It’s essential to make sustainability a part of everyday learning and activities. Collaborate with organizations like the GSA for resources and support. Remember, every effort counts, and even small changes can lead to significant impact over time.

Ben Williams: Can you share a specific success story or initiative from the GSA that particularly resonates with you?

Michael Shvartsman: One initiative that stands out is the Student Climate and Conservation Congress (Sc3). It brings together student leaders from across the globe to collaborate on sustainability projects. Seeing these young minds come together, share ideas, and implement change is incredibly inspiring. It highlights the potential and creativity of our future leaders.

Ben Williams: How do you see the future of the Green Schools Alliance evolving?

Michael Shvartsman: I see the GSA expanding its reach and continuing to innovate in sustainability education. With the increasing urgency of environmental issues, their work will become even more critical. I envision more schools joining the alliance, more student-led initiatives, and a stronger global network of environmentally conscious schools.

Ben Williams: Finally, what personal values drive your commitment to supporting sustainability and education?

Michael Shvartsman: My commitment is driven by a deep belief in the power of education to transform lives and societies. Sustainability is integral to ensuring a healthy and prosperous future for the next generations. Supporting the Green Schools Alliance allows me to contribute to this vision by fostering an environment where education and sustainability go hand in hand.